Friday, January 4, 2013

A Student No More. Officially, Anyway . . . .

Alright, here I am again. Unfortunately, soaping took a back seat while I finished up internship and my very last class. I am proud to say that I got the official email today:  I am, for all intents and purposes, graduated. YayYayYayYayYay!!!!! Just one more national exam, licensure application, and I can work in the field I've studied about since 2008. Wicked!

Now that I'm just working at my pizza slaving job, I've had tons more time for all things soapy. I made Christmas presents for my friends and family, and I am really looking forward to jumping back into my favorite hobby. Stay tuned for more projects!


  1. Congrats on being done. I can't wait to see more soapy projects from you. =)

  2. congratulations Alison! Thanks for the experience I've had with your products! I love your soaps and will be a customer. Do you have a website yet or a way to order products for gifts and personal use etc? Take Care , Peace and Hugs
